You can return your order or part of it.
Please bear in mind that you have 14 days from the time of the delivery. Once the 14 days are up, it will no longer be possible to process your return.
To request a return, access your account with your email and password. In the top right corner, click on your name, and from the dropdown menu, select "My Purchases."
Under each product, you will find the option Return this product and click on RETURN.
A new page will open, where you can select the product.
Once you have done so, you will be presented with a form where you can choose the reason for your return.
If necessary, leave a comment explaining it in detail.
Click on RETURN.
Back to the main page, decide the number of units.
On the left-hand side you will see the final calculation of your refund and at the bottom the summary of your return, where you can check if there are any costs.
Once you have checked everything, click on Request to activate your refund.
As soon as possible, we will begin the return process, and you will receive the refund in a few days via the same payment method used for the purchase.
It is essential to return the products in their original packaging and in a box to prevent damage.
Is the return free?
No, voluntary returns have a cost. If you want to review the return fees, please click here.
I applied a discount voucher to my purchase. How will the refund be processed?
In the case of canceling an order paid entirely or partially with a gift voucher, the refund will be the amount you finally paid after applying the discount.
Can I choose the return method?
We regret to inform you that it is not possible. If your order was delivered to your address, the collection will be made at the same delivery address. If you chose the picking point option, you will have to return your package by delivering it to a collection point.
I don't have a user account. How can I return the order?
If you made the purchase as a guest, you can request a return by clicking here. We will then send you an email with the instructions you need to follow to formalize the process.
In this video, we show you how to do it:
For the conditions of international returns, consult this article.