You can return your order or part of it.
Please bear in mind that you have 14 days from the time of the delivery. Once the 14 days are up, it will no longer be possible to process your return*
To start the return process, log into your account and go to the tab My Purchases. Here you will find all your orders and the products included in each one. Under each product, you will find the option Return this product and click on RETURN.
A new page will open, where you can select the product.
Once you have done so, you will be presented with a form where you can choose the reason for your return.
If necessary, leave a comment explaining it in detail.
Click on RETURN.
Back to the main page, decide the number of units.
On the left-hand side you will see the final calculation of your refund and at the bottom the summary of your return, where you can check if there are any costs.
Once you have checked everything, click on Request to activate your refund.
You can also request a return by clicking here. We will then email you with the instructions that you should follow to formalize the procedure.
As soon as possible, we will start the return process and when we receive it back, we will refund the amount paid to the same payment method you used for the purchase within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the time of receipt.
It is very important that the products are in perfect condition, without having been manipulated, with the seal and that you return them in the PromoFarma box or similar to avoid damage.
Remember that if you cancel an order purchased entirely or partially using a gift voucher, you will be reimbursed for the amount that you paid in the end with the discount applied.
Unlike returns due to defects or issues with the product, voluntary returns are the responsibility of the customer and may involve additional costs; please review the table below
* Excluded products that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene (stockings, wristbands, underwear among others) as indicated in the description on our website.