We’re sorry! Our platform does not currently allow you to change orders that have already been placed.
However, you do have the option to cancel your order. You have 14 working days from the time of the purchase to request a complete cancellation of your order or part of it.
To return a product, log into your account and go to the tab My Purchases. Here you will find all your orders and their products. Under each product you will find the option “Return this product”, select the reason and click on RETURN.
You can also request a cancellation by clicking here. We will send you an email with the instructions that you should follow to make the return.
Once you have notified us of your cancellation, we will process the payment of the amount paid as quickly as possible, and by the same payment method that you used for the purchase.
Remember that if you cancel an order purchased entirely or partially using a gift voucher, you will be reimbursed for the amount that you paid in the end with the discount applied.
If you have any questions or queries regarding this, don’t hesitate to email us at clientes@promofarma.com.