In order to get your welcome voucher, you have to create an account on the PromoFarma website.
Click on the section "My account" on the top right-hand side of the page, and select the button Is this your first purchase? Create an account with €5 gift voucher.
Enter your name, your email address, your password and create your account.
You can already find your welcome discount code of 5 euros applicable on a minimum purchase of 49 euros in your profile, in the section My gift vouchers, or by clicking here.
Then choose the products you are interested in and in the purchase summary, before checkout, you will see the option to manually add a discount code or select it from the list of gift vouchers.
Once you have added it, it will be automatically deducted from the total amount of your products.
Remember, each gift voucher or promotional code has specific conditions, such as a validity date, a minimum purchase and a payment method.